The Cornerstone of Beaver County (TCBC) provides and coordinates local housing resources to prevent and end homelessness in Beaver County.
Your kind donation will help provide housing and hope throughout the year!
Check out our Bringing Hope Home Video Podcast Series
For more episodes or to watch the complete series, visit our YouTube channel @cornerstonebeaver.
Stay Tuned for News, Updates and Events!
Sign up for email updates to be the first to know about TCBC news and events and to learn more about our work to prevent and end homelessness.
TCBC Joins 988 Suicide Prevention Campaign
TCBC is honored to participate in the PA Department of Health 988 Crisis Help Lifeline Campaign to raise awareness of this critical service. If you’re thinking about suicide, are worried about a loved one, or just need a little support, 988 is available 24/7.
In recent months, we celebrated TCBC’s 8 years of service, the one-year anniversary of our 24-hour Men’s Emergency Shelter, and our first gathering to observe World Homeless Day. Check out TCBC news here.
Where finding a home is a foundation for hope.
At The Cornerstone of Beaver County (TCBC), we provide emergency shelter, housing assistance, basic needs, and resources for individuals and families experiencing homelessness or housing-related crisis.
Ultimately, we help create a pathway home and a foundation for hope, health, and a future of possibilities.